
Showing posts from October, 2022




 Today in class we did a Kahoot!. The Kahoot! was based on the story that the teacher read in class. The top three students that were in first second and third place didn’t have to take it and got an automatic 100. For those who didn’t had to take the test. The test was easy and we can use our notes that we took to help us but it was easy the questions were kind of the same as the Kahoot questions. But yea that’s all we did today in class.


 Today in class we finished reading. If almost took the whole class period. We took notes on the story. Then we watched a film of the story. And lastly we did our blog.


 Today in class we took a test. But first we read a story and we took notes on it. The story was about mr. Shiftless and a daughter and another woman. I can’t remember the name’s because I forgot already. Then lastly we took a test about the vocabulary words.


 Today in class we finished the rest of our assessment.because of the college thing.the college thing wasn’t that bad. There was a couple of colleges that I had in mind. I finished my test since Friday. The test wasn’t that hard to do.


 We are reading a text about school uniforms. We are discussing it as a class. Then we are talking about dress codes. Then we talk about the should. And the should not’s of the school district enforcing it.


 Today in class we took notes. The notes were titled argument essay. We talked about how evidence can come from experiences expectations and readings. Then we talked about valuable claims. And at the end we went over what are some valuable claims and what are not valuable claims.


 Today in class we did vocabulary words. It was about 15 vocabulary words to write down. Then afterwards we had to do the exercise problems. We had to do exercise 1,3, and 4. Then at the end we did our bell ringer and study our vocabulary words for the test coming up.


 Today in class we read the text teens are in no rush to drive. It had about 7 paragraphs. We underlined some stuff in the text and went over it. Mr. Rease talked about how in the past we he was in school everyone had a car. Then at the end we finished the text.


 Today in class we did the rest of the assessment. We really didn’t go over anything. But the assessment was very easy to me. But some of the questions kinda confused me. But overall I felt confident.


 Today in class we did an assessment. For today we only did questions 1-12. The rest we are doing tomorrow. I don’t think the test is that hard like really hard but sometimes it can be confusing. But I just think about the things we learned in class to better help me understand the assessment.


 Today we did another poem. The poem was basically talking about nature. We discussed what are some ways to escape trouble in life. One of the best options was nature. I like nature and I think nature also helps me when I’m in trouble.


 In class we read a story that’s called out out. We are also taking notes about it. As a class we discussed it as a class. We also did some questions about the story. Also the story was about a boy who lost his life.


 Today in class we did presentations. The presentations were based on the poems we wrote. The presentations took about 45 minutes. Mr rease asked us questions about what are lines mean. We also told him what inspired us to write the poem.




 In class we read a poem by Langston Hughes. The poem talked about dreams. As a class we discussed about what a dream is and how to accomplish it.


 We read two poems on the green paper. Then we took notes about both of the poems.